Fear of parents’ death

Hello everyone!

This is my first post in the group. I’m a 27-year old girl who left her parents’ home 5 years ago. I fell in love with a foreign man and came to live with him in a foreign country (in Europe). We are now married and have a baby, and I’m also pregnant again. I’m happy with my new family.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of pregnancy hormones or this whole COVID-19 quarantine situation, but I’ve been in a very sad mood lately. All I can think about is the fact that my parents are getting older, and I am not there with them... I am truly afraid of the day when they leave this world behind. I am afraid of not being there, I am afraid of not spending enough time with them. It’s breaking my heart, I’ve been crying about this the whole afternoon. I wish I could go back in time and never leave them... :(

I wish I could go live in my hometown, to be close to my parents someday... But I’m worried it’d be pretty complicated with 2 kids, and a husband who doesn’t speak my country’s language. How can I calm myself? I’m afraid of becoming depressed, I’m afraid this feeling will never leave me. Please help me, any advice is appreciated.