fiancé is against my dog?


I’ve had my dog since he was a baby. It’s been six years and we are both very attached to each other. My fiancé gets mad when he’s up on the bed with us or all up in my grill. It’s all my dog has ever known but I compromised and got him his own bed and trained him to only sleep there. I have it on my side of the bed so we’re not far from each other. I have even put a gate up to keep my dog in one area which I have never done before but again I compromised. Now my fiancé is saying I need to find a place to set him up in the house cause he can’t be around in the room when our baby comes. I am soooo against this. He is my family and to be honest I want to leave my fiancé over this. It’s a fight over my dog almost every day and I’m not gonna be punished for loving and taking care of my dog. I see no reason why my dog has to be exiled when the baby comes. He is very well trained and only a 10lb dog, I don’t see the issue!