Can’t get over the fuckboy who lives next door.

2 semesters ago I met someone who I had a huge crush on. And after getting to know each other as friends we made out last year, then the following weekend he got back together with his on and off girlfriend. When we both moved back to campus after the summer we ended up living right next to each other. We were still friends so we took our online quizzes together for class and I would help him with his papers late at night. As we got closer he started to open up about his relationship (with the same girl as before). After learning about how abusive his relationship was (she literally gps tracked him and would get pushed if he just sat next to a girl in class). I was worried and tried to get him out of the relationship by hinting at stuff not being right for awhile and eventually I asked him if he realized he was in an abusive relationship and he said, “Just emotionally,” like that makes it okay. That following weekend he told me that he broke up with his girlfriend and he asked if I wanted to be friends with benefits and I said yes. After a few days I realized he was still with his girlfriend. We kinda haven’t talked since then.

But every time I see him my heart literally stops and all I want to do is be with him. I know he’s no good for me. I know that if I were to even be in a relationship with him he would most likely cheat on me.

But I can’t get over him. And no matter how much I like other guys they don’t feel right to be with.

Has anyone experienced something similar before? How can I move on?