Self care ideas

Shelly • Mama to 👦🏼 Jesse 6/4/19 & 👶🏻 Jameson 3/11/22

I’ve seen a lot of posts about moms dealing with their mental health declining because of this pandemic so I decided to share some self care ideas that you can possibly do when you get some time to yourself. I know it’s good to relax but if you stay idle too long it’s easy to get wrapped up in your own thoughts.

- Gardening! Even if you live in apartment or have never been a green thumb, they sell easy DIY veggie and herb kits.

- Do your nails! Time consuming but not too time consuming.

- Take a bike ride (if you have a bike!) Just put some earbuds in (be safe) and take a short bike ride if you get a little time by yourself and someone can watch baby.

- Coloring! I actually bought a kids coloring book and markers because it’s not such a commitment lol but still relaxing!

- Baking! If you can find yeast. Baking bread is actually really easy to do and the end result.. carbalicious!

- Play a game you enjoy! If you have an old Wii or if your significant other has a console buy yourself a game. Mario, Nancy Drew, Wii sports, Animal Crossing, Goldeneye, Wheel of Fortune 🤣.

Feel free to add some of your favorite hobbies to give moms out there needing a little break some ideas!