Toilet paper issue...


So this is embarrassing but every day I get toilet paper sticking in the folds of my labia and vulva. I don't notice it when I wipe, but towards the end of the day, if I look carefully I find tiny fragments of toilet paper all over my vagina. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do have quite long labia so maybe that's the problem? I don't vigorously wipe myself though. I suppose I do pee quite a lot during the day? I shower every other day, but even when I shower in the morning, and thoroughly wash my vagina, by the evening, it's back again. Before I noticed it a few months back, it must have been going on a while, and a small clump of tissue paper had inserted itself under the skin next to my clitoris. I had to pull it out with tweezers and it was f***ing painful. This is so embarrassing but I don't know what to do about it. My toilet paper's not the cheap one either. Does anyone else experience this? So embarrassing...🙈