My boyfriend hates my vagina


Yes you read that right! My boyfriend literally hates eating me out. He swears he loves it when he does it but he only does it once in a blue moon and I have to beg him very very very very rarely does he offer and quite honestly I think he only does it bc he feels bad bc he knows he doesn’t do it ever. Literally in the beginning the first few times he at me out and told me he didn’t like it bc I tasted sour and I was sticky (because I was wet!) and it’s made me beyond self conscious because I’ve never had that problem before. Not that I’ve slept with a million people but the couple people I’ve slept with in my lifetime have always told me how amazing it taste and how much they love it and how it taste like fruit (Ik that’s unrealistic but still) and I’m not gonna day that to him because he absolutely cannot handle if I ever bring up any of my ex’s not that I ever do that either. But like god damn it’s really fucking bothering me now more than ever bc we have sex way more frequently cause where I live we are under ridiculous lockdowns due to covid-19. I just don’t know what to do I’ve even tried changing my diet and nothing works. No I do not douche or anything bc I know how horrible that is for vaginas and I use 100% cotton pads or tampons whenever I’m on my period. Please send help to ya girl it’s really making me sad. Like his dick doesn’t always taste amazing but I still give him blow jobs everyday to the best of my ability because I love him and I love making him feel good. Like I don’t want to have him just suck it up and hate it bc I’m like forcing him to do it but like I just feel like he doesn’t care about pleasing me as much and like only cares about himself. So how am I supposed to talk to him about this bc I try and he just gets defensive and it’s like talking to a wall. We’ve been together for 1 year (this month actually.) someone give me advice please and thank you🙏🏼