Would love to hear your induction stories!!!

Kayleigh-Anne • 19, Engaged, Mummy to Leo James 👶🏼💙 Willow Marie due October 💗

Hey beautiful ladies!

So on Friday I will be 39 weeks and I’ll be heading to hospital to start my induction! I’m due 1st May, so my May baby is becoming an April baby ☺️💙

They said they will start me off with putting in a balloon, they leave me over night and will take it out the next morning (if it doesn’t fall out) then they will break my waters and if that doesn’t start off labour I will be put on the drip 😊

I’m so excited to meet my little boy 😍

I just wanted to hear some induction stories and how it went for you 💓

Comment your stories below ☺️