Mucus plug?


I’ll be 20 weeks tomorrow, with baby measuring closer to 22, but they won’t change my due date. Last weekend, I went to the ER with some back pain after losing 2 small chunks of pale green tinted discharge/mucus. Scared it could be my mucus plug, I went in right away. I had sex 2 days before that. They assured me my cervix was closed and probably just having some minor Braxton Hicks contractions. This morning, I saw the same thing. Again, sex 2 days ago. I’ve considered calling my doctor, but the OB nurse always makes me feel stupid (I’ve only called two-three times so far.) I feel my baby in there just wiggling like crazy. I’m not in pain or anything. Maybe a little bit of a lower back ache. But I’ve had that almost daily as well as a little pressure. Should I be concerned? My cervix was looked at on an abdominal ultrasound on April 9th and doc said it looked good. I don’t think they actually measured it. My next appointment isn’t until next Thursday, but I’m afraid it will be moved to telemed due to the virus. This is my first baby so I am definitely hyper-aware!