So disappointed 😔


Ugh this is so hard..... I have to wait to find out sex for a whole month.... normally I would find out at 17 or 18...... well because of Clovid 19 they waiting till 21 weeks but even though my due date they gave me puts me at 17 weeks I’m measuring at 16 weeks because of a always given birth early they keeping my dd at 17 but scheduling me as if I’m 16 so I have to wait 5 more weeks!!!! Last time I went for an early ultrasound at a private place but the private place in my county is in a place that has the highest covid cases in my county so I really don’t feel like it’s a safe options.

We have 4 girls and we are really hoping for a boy! Don’t get me wrong I will be happy with whatever but the wait is killing me I feel like I get my hopes up more and more that it maybe a boy but I’m also scared to because statistically it’s more likely a girl. I just want to know already.

Am I awful y’all?