
Today has not been a good day. My husband and I have been TTC for 20 months and have had 3 miscarriages. We got 3, yes 3 false positives last month...we were sure we were pregnant. I woke up this morning to news that a dear friend of mine’s son died due Covid-19 in his 30s. My husband and I have been having lots of sex...7 times in the past week or so but today I got a peak OPK. He is a police Officer and had to go in for a 12 hr shift. We tried to get busy before he went into work but I think I’ve worn him out. lol. He wasn’t able to finish and eventually had to leave for work. Right before he left our well stopped working. We’re going to try again when he gets home at 8 am but I can’t help but feel like we blew it. Any similar situations that turned into success stories? I could use some hope today! Thanks for listening!