Extended Stay 🤨


Quick update from my post yesterday about funneling cervix...

I was admitted into the Hospital for threatened pre term labor . Amniotic sac bulging for Baby A . Baby A is footling breech . Baby B is transverse . My cervix is funneling , thinned to a 90% effacement, dilated to about a 2.

Officially tonight, I had my second round of steroids to develop their lungs. This morning started a whirlwind of things happening as i began contracting harder at 6’am ...rushed from my room to a new one where I’m currently staying overnight. Given magnesium to help with babies brains mainly & to subside contractions a tiny bit to help me get to my second round of steroids .

The doctor has talked about me seeing MFM so they can give a better directive of what is happening or an idea of if I’m needing to stay or go home .

Has this happened to any of you mamas ?? Did you deliver early ? Did you stay in the hospital until 34 weeks? (they’ve made a mention of it being a possibly)

I’m just trying to wrap my brain around the last two days of this emotional roller coaster . It has been all over the place of nurses & doctors going from one thing to another . Some saying I’ll deliver right then potentially or some saying it isn’t imminent . 😣😣