I need you help

Jo • 1 Ectopic 2 early losses, now mommy to the beautiful E 🧡🧡🧡💗

My head is spinning I'm not sure if its because I'm going back to work next week so my anxiety is higher than normal. I've convinced my self that there is something wrong with my girl. She turned 9mth on the 16th and is making no attempt to move or pull herself up. It like the the idea of crawling/pulling herself up doesn't enter her little head. I try to encourage her but if I push it she will start refusing to put her feet down. She will stand while holding something if you put her there but wont try and step. If I try and help her step she will stiffen her legs. I'm terrified that there is something wrong with her development. At the moment I can't make a appointment with my GP or HV. I also know they will just say that babies all develop at different times, which I know but I feel deep down that something is wrong 😢😢