blowing raspberries whilst eating

Brenna • 🌈👶🏼💙🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

my boy’s new favourite thing to do (apart from crawling away as soon as i get an old nappy off) is to wait until he has a full mouth of food and then he blows raspberries so the food goes everywhere 😖

and it’s not because he doesn’t like what he’s eating, or because he’s full or anything. i think he just likes to see the food go flying! 😬😐

i’ve tried firmly saying no. i’ve tried ignoring it. i’ve tried a wet face cloth in his face (because he hates getting his face wiped after a meal). i’ve tried taking the food away (oh boy. that didn’t go down well!)

i’m starting to think that maybe *i* need one of the cover-all bibs that he’s got 😅

i hope he grows out of it soon. i’m getting tired of food in my hair and all over my glasses...