Co-Sleeping? Newborn

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Bedsharing safely is what is important in this discussion. Sleeping how you normally would but with a baby is not safe, sleeping on a couch or recliner propping your baby with pillow is not safe, swaddling you baby in your bed is not safe, baby sleeping on a dock a tot in a bed is not safe. There are so many reasons that can make bedsharing unsafe that it just isn’t recommended to do at all. Your baby is safest either alone in a crib or bassinet without anything but a swaddle or sleeping sack or safely bedsharing fallowing all bedsharing rules (google safe saves of bedsharing for best and clearest guidelines for safe bed sharing)


Lora • Apr 28, 2020
Safe seven of bedsharing


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Depends on how you define it. Same bedroom different bed is the safest. It isn’t safe for a newborn to share a bed with you, it increases the risk of SIDS.


Lora • Apr 28, 2020
That’s not true. It increase the risk of suffocation which isn’t the same as Sids but only when done unsafely like in a recliner or on a couch.