Horrible situation

Ashley 🌹 • Kinsley Grace expected June 8th 2016 ♡♡

Need advice please. Sorry for length.

I am 9w3d pregnant with my first. Husband and I are on cloud 9 bc it took a year of trying. I am due June 8th.

My step sister (who has been my best friend since 4th grade, our parents got married when we were in middle school but we are just as close as blood sisters) is getting married. She was in my wedding and asked me last year to be in hers which I happily said yes. Well her wedding is June 18th, 10 days after my due date.

Considering how close it is, I am not going to be in the wedding. Which was a decision we made together with our parents.

Her and her fiance originally didn't want kids at their wedding, and I respect that. But now she is putting me in a hard spot. I have to decide to leave my potentially extremely newborn baby or not go to the wedding. We are not leaving our baby with my in laws bc we don't trust them. Husband doesn't feel comfortable staying home with a newborn, especially since I want to exclusively breastfeed and he's never dealt with newborns. But I also don't want to miss her special day.

I have no idea what to do. I'm not leaving my baby but I don't want to miss her day.

Any advice on what to do?