
Not sure where this goes but. I'll start off by saying there's this guy i know. I've known him about 4 years. We'd talk on and off and hangout( in between seeing other's and having relationships other) over the years. We recently decided to add "benefits" into our friendship. Mainly was my idea since he's someone I've known due so long and really cared for him and still do just was curious. However the first time doing it wasn't the best. However i still care for him and still see him. Anyway what I feel is very odd is he can't or doesn't really express or shows how he feels towards me or wants to label it. When were together he acts like a bf holds my hand kisses me and touches me in all over (including personal places) While he tells me doesn't like when I see other people or have other dates etc. Tells me he doesn't or hasn't been seeing other people just me. However when i ask him personal things how he feels about this or that or of us being together he doesn't respond to the subject i just don't get it?! Sometimes I'll get mad and block him on my phone then he blows up my phone trying to get ahold of me when i don't get back to him etc.. So confused.