

Unfortunately, my breastfeeding journey has to come to an end 😭

My little man is 3 months old and has been exclusively breastfed, except for one day when he was a couple days old I had to supplement with formula before my milk fully came in. At about 2 1/2 months old he started being super fussy, was hardly sleeping during the day and up every couple of hours at night, and would only sleep with me. My mom thought he was hungry, gave him some formula and it turned out she was right. I had also been told at his 2 month appt that he had not gained enough weight and I needed to nurse longer. But the problem was, I couldn’t. He just would pull off every time and fuss and just wouldn’t take the breast. And when I pumped, I got maybe 2 ozs total. I’ve tried everything to increase my supply and nothing has worked. I was still nursing then supplementing with formula, and now he’s just the happiest little baby and sleeping though the night! At this point, I’m hardly making any milk and he won’t nurse for more than a couple minutes before he starts fussing. It absolutely breaks my heart that I can’t give him this anymore. I loved nursing and the bond it made. But my little babe isn’t getting what he needs anymore..