Fruits basket


I just now finished the 2019 fruited basket. I only just now watched it cause I really enjoyed the original and the art was like totally different when I saw a pic and I was like not watching that. Until I fond out that they where Gonna continue the series so I was like bet. So idk why. I just have some OPINIONS don’t come after me if you don’t agree. Also SPOILERS. So imma talk about what I don’t like and what I did like from the original to this 2019 one. First off I noticed that there was less episodes but more information. I felt that in the first 5 episodes they kinda rushed the episodes. I feel like if they didn’t do that they could have made more episodes. Also they took out my 2 favorite episodes. Like how did you know my 2 favorite episodes and take them out. The 2 are in the original. When the tiki fan club ex President is there and there mostly talking about her love for him. Maybe it’s not my favorite episodes but I since episode 2 I was looking forward to that episode and it never came. And the other one his with yukis brother. When toru goes to his shop and he gives her a new dress. I do like that they went more into detail about her 2 friends background. The original kinda skimmed over it but the 2019 went into detail and I liked it. They also added new episodes that were not in original. Like when the blonde one was talking about her background and the 3 girls wanted to figure her to seem scary on the streets. And one thing I did not like at all. And I don’t know why. The bunny boys new accent/voice. It was so weird. I know before he was introduced I was looking forward to seeing him he was my favorite character. Then he has some weird voice. Made me not like him that much anymore. Still a good character tho. AND THE BOYS KYO AND YUKI BRO THEY WHERE HOT LIKE HOT. Now I really really really liked the ending to this one better. The original she seemed defeated and not wanting to be near kyo she was like petrified blank like she wanted nothing to do with Luis true form. I liked the ending to this one cause she fought for him. She was scared but she didn’t act as disgusted as she did in the original. I’m also sad that she didn’t go to akito in the 2019. They had a dinner with everyone it was cute. But the original she went and was like “bitch you not gonna made me sad even tho your hurting me you big fat nasty smellin fat bitch” (not actually you know what I mean tho) in a nice way. But she go threw to him and that’s how it ended. So I liked the original for the most part better. But I liked the ending with kyos true form better with the 2019 version.