

I decided to post this here since I am taking clomid for the first time so I am not sure if that has anything to do with this

I also had a chemcial pregnancy the month prior and I also heard somewhere that after a chemcial pregnancy you are more fertile than usual?

Well I havent had blood tests to determined if I ovulated or not but im pretty sure I did

well during the time I ovulated my cm was eggwhite and all that and my cervix was high and open and soft after my fertile window my cervix is low, hard, and closed I am also getting more and more of this type of dishcharge I also like to mention I had cramping in abdomen area around 6dpo and I am now 7dpo I noticed today that my cervix is now high and soft again I am also incredibly irritable past couple days so my question is could it be implantation or am i just paying too much attention

The doctor also told me what day i will ovulate and when to have intercourse we bd every other day for that whole week

here is what the cm looks like and its getting more and more