Ultimate follicules


Hi ladies.

I would love help from anyone who has been on clomid. I have been TTC for about 2 years nowandhave been put on clomid for the past 5 months: ( 4 months then a failed pregnancy then back on it again). I just went for my day 12 scan and Dr says I have 3 follicules (I’ve only ever had 1 before). He suggested not BD this month and not trying as there is risk of triplets and that is a risk in itself. Is this really likely though?! Does anyone have experience in this? I feel as though in reality I’ve been trying so Long that even 1 successful egg can’t be that likely let alone all 3! Does anyone have any experience on this or any advice? I’m trying to work out if triplets is likely or if the DR is just over cautious. I also have no idea why I’ve suddenly responded to the treatment this much when I haven’t before.

Thanks :)