Bad Sleep Schedule and BBT?


Hey y’all! 💕

Background info to start off, I have chronic auto immune conditions and the exhaustion is on a different level. I can sleep 14-16 hours a day and I still have to pry my eyelids open because I could keep sleeping if I let myself. And when I do sleep it’s either A LOT, barely any(much less often), or it’s never at the same time. 🙃

I’ve been tracking CM, positioning, and trying to learn more about the phases and their symptoms. I know that’s not great alone(helped a lot though) so I’m adding more now that I’m pretty familiar with one method.

Idk how I should go about tracking my temp because of my sleep issues, I know when you wake is the best time because your body just came out of a good “reset” with those sleep hormones, but it’s all over the place for me. 😩

Advice? How do you guys with sleep issues do it? Or should I find a different method(if so what)? Do y’all need more info? I’m just tryna be more aware of the downstairs and sex ed failed me 😂

Thanks in Advance y’all ✨💕