Do you think this is inappropriate at my age?


Hi ladies, I’m 19 and pregnant (8weeks wohoo! Praying for a healthy baby!) .. I live alone in my apartment with my dog. Summer is coming up and I’ve always thought bucket lists are cute!

Would it be inappropriate for someone who is about to be a mother to do these things? Like they are too childish?

A lot of my friends don’t talk to me anymore because I don’t want to be around marijuana/cigarette smoke, and don’t have the energy to drive everyone around in my car.

I’m glad those people are out of my life.. I wouldn’t want that around my young child.

But however it is very lonely. I have two friends who are still by my side and always pick up when I need help and such so that is nice.. they don’t smoke etc.. but they both have full time jobs and I’m very lonely. How can I go about meeting new friends?

My mother used to be over here a lot, she pays my rent but her work just opened back up and unfortunately that takes up most of her time because she’s a dentist..

I feel like I’ll feel less alone once my baby is born..