What do you guys think?

So, i tried the pill in March because my husband and i wanted to stop using condoms, but i hated the side effects of the pill. 3 weeks later, i stopped it altogether and decided i didn’t want to take it and we’d see what would happen. I had slight bleeding after, and then my normal period came also that month. In April, all i had was 2 days of very light bleeding. I took a couple pregnancy test just in case and it was all negative. My suspected period now is due in a few days. The last 5 days i have had a headache everyday, i’m tired, I’m nauseous and i haven’t been able to stay satisfied. For example, yesterday everything was driving me crazy. I couldn’t stop cleaning because a spot on the floor was killing me inside, i was getting emotionally aggravated at people texting me because i didn’t wanna text them 🤣 I’ve never been like that EVER. i don’t know what’s up with that. I had slight cramps earlier today. Is it a possibility i could be pregnant?