

Ok so here’s what last month looked like for me( yes I’m trying to get pregnant)

So basically the days with hearts are the days I had unprotected sex. The blue days are my fertile days and the one circled which is the 19th is my most fertile day... then on the 25th I got very very light spotting and it was pink. I could only see it when I’d wipe and it lasted about 3 days tops. May 4th I was supposed to get my period but I didn’t. I just bled a little bit then didn’t bleed again. Very very minimal like only spotting but it was red. Since then nothing more. I tested today morning but it was negative. Is it too soon what are your thoughts. I’ve never been pregnant before so I’m just really confused. Also the days that I had very light pink spotting I believe it was implantation bleeding but I’m not sure now since I bled a tiny bit the 4th and it was red.