Due 17th July 2016

Hello Ladies!! 
I am due on 17th July 2016, I am 4 weeks pregnant today with my first. I got my BFP 5 days ago!! We had been TTC for 4 months and are absolutely over the moon!!! 💙💗🙏🏻
I've been getting cramps, feeling super exhausted and my boobs are entirely "out of bounds"! 
Excited to share this journey with you all xxxx
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Hi Amy! I believe I'm due the 16th of July. I had a miscarriage last month and haven't had a period yet, so I'm not sure how to date it. I got my positive yesterday and am in total shock. Hubby and I are very excited and positive that this will be a healthy baby that is with us for life. And I'm the same as you as far as symptoms go. Sore boobies, mild cramps, stuffy/runny nose, and lots of discharge. I'm excited to share this journey with you ladies!


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As far as we can tell I'm due June 30, my husbands birthday! I was in the June due dates group but felt so far behind everyone else!! I am 6w4d pregnant and saw the little flickering heartbeat on the US this afternoon - after trying for 3 years it is all just so surreal!! Congratulations to all of you! 


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My name is jaleesa and I'm due 7/1 well I was but then doctor moved me to 6/29... Whatever my due date is I'm hoping for a happy healthy pregnancy and child 💞💝