

Okay, so since I now use a cup, what do I do with the disposable products I have left. I'd feel absolutely horrible about just throwing them away, but I don't know what to do with them. Also, they are already opened, so I can't donate them unfortunately. Btw I have both pads and tampons, Tapax and Always brands if that helps with any ideas. Btw I don't have any females around currently that could use the products.

Also, I will still occasionally leak, but I want to use period underwear for that. My Birthday is coming up and I'm planning on asking my mom for some period underwear. I want to know some good recommendations for what brand I should use. Also, I have a slightly heavy flow the first couple of days, regular, then it's pretty light if that helps. Sorry that this was long, I just want some questions to be answered. ♡