Hep B Shot


Has any of your LO’s have an adverse reaction?

I only ask because mine had her 1 month check up the other day (shes technically 6 weeks). They gave the 2nd dose of Hep B (she received first dose in hospital). Doctor said should be no reactions. No worries and we went on our way.

That night she slept kinda crappy. But her sleep at night has been changing anyways so thought nothing of it. She was pleasant in the morning and then...

BAM. Would not stop crying and screaming. Was only napping maybe 20 minutes at a time. I keep track of feeds, diapers, sleep on an app. She sleeps an average of 14 hours a day and yesterday she slept only 9.5. My husband and I could not figure it out. I broke and began just sobbing while holding her. Of course google said she had gas. Went to the store and grabbed some gas drops and gripe water.

Got home and my husband just looked at me and said, “What about her shot?”

Took her temperature and it was 99.1 (could have just been warmer from all the crying and screaming). And gave her some Tylenol. She passed out for like 4 hours from 7-11 that evening.

So I feel so so stupid for not thinking it could have been the shot. But did anyone else’s little one have this type of reaction? Now I am so dreading her 2 month shots that she gets in 3 weeks.😕