Has anyone here had their little one evaluated for autism?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

Just wondering what the evaluation entailed. I suspect my son is on the spectrum. He had a doctor's appointment today, in which I expressed my concerns. He said while he doesn't really suspect it necessarily, my concerns are legitimate and he's referring us to ECI for an evaluation.

They are supposed to call me at some point to set up the evaluation, but in the meantime, I'm curious about what that entails, if any of you have been in that situation. And how long it normally takes for them to evaluate and what happens after, especially if they do conclude he is on the spectrum. How often do your little ones have to go to appointments or therapy sessions? I have a 3 year old son and I'm 32+1 weeks pregnant and with the virus, I'm a little concerned about how this is all going to work, but I want to make sure my son gets any help he needs if they conclude he is somewhere on the spectrum.