Did yalls SO do anything for your first Mother’s Day?

My son is 8 months and I got an outfit set out for our son to wear that says “mommy’s little hero” and my SO said jokingly uh uh that should say “daddy’s little hero” and still joking I said “tomorrow is Mother’s Day, so he’s wearing mommy.” Then my SO was like “tf you’re barely even a mother. It’s only been 8 months.” I’m a stay at home mom while I do college online, and I care for our son 24/7 even when my SO is home he chooses video games, so I never get a break. This really hurt because I do see myself as a mom and this day should be really special since it’s my first. Maybe I’m just being too sensitive idk. I’m the one who has always been up with our son since he’s been born, changed his diapers (he’s changed very few wet diapers but won’t even touch a poopy one), bought his clothes with my money in savings btw, bathe him, feed him and everything. I don’t expect a gift or anything, but some acknowledgement for everything I do for our son would be nice. What’s y’all’s opinion?

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