I remember this time last year...


I was sobbing on the floor holding another BFN. My husband and I had almost been trying for a year last Mother’s Day and I remember how heartbroken I was to learn once again I wouldn’t have a reason to celebrate once again.

Fast forward to today, I finally got my BFP(or maybe several😅)! Over the last year we have gone through numerous blood tests, ultrasounds, HSGs, and recently started

fertility medication.

We honestly just assumed that we weren’t meant to biologically have children and started to consider our other options, so much so that we are currently waiting for our foster care license to be finalized! (We’ll still plan to foster)

I haven’t even told my husband yet since I wanted to triple check with digitals because if this isn’t real he’ll be shattered. Hoping and praying this little bean sticks and we have a healthy and smooth 9 months ahead. Now I really can’t wait for 2020 to be over so I can meet my sweet little babe💕

Happy Mother’s Day to all you beautiful ladies and sending the largest amount of baby dust to all of you out there still heartbroken and struggling. Im hoping my story can provide you with some hope that you’ll never know where you’ll be in a year 💖