Need Advice. Baby won't turn head...

My son is having a difficult time turning his head to the left.  Ever since we brought him home, he has favored his right side and has always slept with his head turned that direction.  This has caused his head to be mis-shapen, and he can't or won't turn his head to the left easily. He's almost 4 months old now, and it doesn't seem to be getting better.  The doctor has seemed fairly unconcerned, and suggested puttinginteresting  things or toys on the side he has difficulty with to encourage him to look that direction, which we are trying, however he doesn't seem to care and would rather stare at the wall than make the effort to look the other direction.  I have also tried waiting until he is asleep and turning his head to the left, but not even 5 minutes later I'll come back and he's moved it back to the right.  I'm starting to get really concerned...  Anyone ever had this problem?  What should/can I do?