Accuracy of “Sneak Peak” gender test...anyone with incorrect results?

Natural-Minded Mama • ✨Learning as I go✨Sharing what I know✨ ✨Together we can grow✨ ✨🌈 Baby #3 Due 5/28/23🌈✨ 🕊Pregnancy #9🕊 🌸 🌸

Hey ladies! I’m considering doing a Sneak Peak blood test in the next week or so....but some of the reviews on YouTube are troubling. I’ve already given birth to a son (4yrs ago) so I know the Y chromosome could still be present in my system & could give me a false “Male” result. But just wondering how often this really happens.

If you have had the test- were your results accurate?

Thank you so much for the input! 🚹🚺

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