Almost 32 weeks.

Anyone else’s baby’s kicks getting uncomfortable? And actually hurt a little?

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Yes! Especially when she goes from one side of the belly to the other really quickly. It’s so uncomfortable and hurts a little due to the pressure of flipping/rolling.


Katie • May 14, 2020


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Yes! Right now currently feeling what i think might be his foot in my ribs. 😣 normally though its like he kicks one side of my belly like im a pool and he is trying to get across to the other side fast lol PAINFUL!!


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When he kicks and I'm laying I seriously just say owe! Owe! Nonstop, and it's a boy so I cant even think he will endure this one day and I'll get slight satisfaction from it 😂


Katie • May 15, 2020


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Yup! Shes kicking me with her steal boots.


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I’m almost 32 weeks too! My little girl loves to beat up my side and it even startles me sometimes. It can get really uncomfortable too 😣


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Lol he kicks my right lung and I legit have a hard time breathing! But his head in the low area of my lady bits aw man that’s a new type of owe and feeling the need to pee every time he moves is just exhausting! He likes to ball up in my rib cage I have to nudge him a little to get out of there 🤣


Posted at
🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ Girl I feel you. Especially when he’s head down and his feet are in my ribs 😩😭


Katie • May 14, 2020
Yeah and can’t breathe ughhh


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Yes! It’s not even so much the kicks as the movement way low. Feels like she is playing with my organs haha


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Yes! Sometimes it feels like he’s kicked my bladder or even some super low nerve in my crotch 💀


Katie • May 14, 2020
Lol exactly!