This may be TMI

I’m currently 9 weeks postpartum and when I had my baby she tore me on both sides of my vagina and in the middle I’ve been having sex with my bf now since 4 weeks postpartum and yesterday he said something that kind of bothered me he suggested that we take a break from having sex so often and only doing it 3-4 times a month because he feels like I didn’t heal enough and that it’s not as “tight” as it was before and we just went two days with no sex and yesterday he says “ we went two days and it was tight again at first but then it just gets loose” and he thinks this will make our relationship better but I honestly couldn’t believe he said that to me and it really made me feel some type of way since having my baby I was comfortable with my body the way it was as it just created a whole human however I feel like my bf has been making me feel very insecure lately I’ve lost all my baby weight plus 5 pounds but my stomach isn’t as tight as it was before and sometimes he makes little comments and he doesn’t mean to come off as an asshole but I just take it the wrong way because it’s just like why would you say that and now with our sex life becoming a problem too I’m just starting to really dislike my body and what having a baby has done to it I just don’t feel good enough now and I love my daughter more than anything and I would go threw it all over again but I just feel like now I’m broken down there too has anyone else gone threw this? How did you handle it