Breaking co sleeping 😓

Tiffany 💙👼🏼💙

Does anyone have any tips on how to break cosleeping? My little guy has been in our bed since he was about 2 months old. At the time- he wasn’t sleeping very well in his bassinet and was waking up at least every hour, but would sleep hours at a time in our bed. So I went into survival mode and just started letting him sleep in our bed ( I enjoyed all the baby cuddles too 🥰 ). Now he is getting so big I don’t feel like any of us are getting good sleep. I was trying to transition him and it was not going well. I would try for hours to get him asleep before giving up and just letting him sleep in our bed. But then he started to teethe and again- it was just easier to let him stay in our bed so he could get some sleep. I want to start transitioning him again but based off of last time I don’t think it will go well and it’s hard to know if what I’m doing is effective or if I’m just wasting my time 😭