Pregnant with twins?...

Lorena • Momma and Wife 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 everything will come in due time 🤍

Hey ladies! Alright so I think I might be carrying twins...

A few reasons why I think so...

1. Superstition but happened twice.. I cracked an egg while making breaks fast and got 2 in one... I told my husband and he said he got that the morning before. I’ve gone through the whole egg case (a dozen) and those were the only ones that had 2 in 1...

2. I’m a really nauseous. This is my second pregnancy and with my son (Who will be 11 month old tomorrow) I didn’t really have any nausea..

3. A lot of indigestion.... like A LOT

4. Kinda have a feeling.

My cousin had a set of girl twins and my cousins are a set of twins... so definitely in the family. I have my first appointment may 29...

regardless of 2 babies or 1 I am excited!! Any thoughts on this?... kinda want to prepare myself but at the same time not get my hopes up.