Welcome Allin!!!
Now that I have a little time before he wakes up for his next feeding, I figured I'd share his birth story! I started having contractions 10 mins apart on May 4th around 4am. It was mainly back labor, and really hard to time bc I was constantly in pain. I waited until the morning of May 5th at 6am to go to the hospital. The pain was just unbearable even though contractions weren't 5 mins apart yet. By this time I had been up for 24 hours. Of course I was sent home and told to wait until contractions were closer together. So I labored at home for another almost 24 hours. By 4am May 6th, I finally had my bloody show and contractions were less than 5 mins apart (about 4.5mins). By the time my fiance had gotten home to take me to the hospital, they had been getting alot stronger. On the way to the hospital (only 10 mins away), they went from ever 4.5 mins to every 2 mins apart very quickly. We finally got to the hospital and found out i was 5cm dilated (thank goodness bc they only admit if you're 5 or above). They sent me to L&D, and by this point I had been begging for my epidural. I had pretty much been awake for 48 hours and needed rest before I pushed this child out! Well...right when they were prepping everything for my epidural, the anesthesiologist had an emergency. Soooo around 10am at 7.5cm dilated, (about 5 hours since being admitted), i finally got my epidural. Things slowed down and I finally was able to sleep. At 12pm they broke my water when I was at an 8. I slept some more of course until the midwife came in at 3pm and told me it was time to push-his head was pretty far down and i couldn't feel a thing! As I pushed him further down, the midwife noticed he was trying to come out ear first and had to get the OB to help deliver. Let me just say that I don't ever wanna go through this again. He had both arms in there trying to turn the baby's head but the baby would literally just turn his head back to ear first! I was so close to giving up-i had been pushing for an hour and a half with hardly any progress bc of how he was positioned! When the OB mentioned the vacuum and forceps, I used what little energy I had left and finally pushed through that ring of fire. The result was one vessel that had to be stitched mid-pushing, one second degree tear that required stitches obviously, one minor tear nearby, and my amazing 7lb 5oz son with the most squished looking head thanks to how he decided to come out 😆❤ at 4:54pm on May 6th, Allin was finally welcomed into this world with loving arms and a tear-filled father whom I had never seen cry happy tears like he did that day. He was the first baby born at the hospital that day, with 4 other people in active labor at the same time as I was! We did almost have to stay an extra day bc his bilirubin was slightly above normal, but they let us go to a pediatrician the next day instead. We spent 3 days and 2 nights in the hospital!

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.