Accidentally found out the gender πŸ’™πŸ™ƒπŸ’œ UPDATE!


Tldr: found out the gender, wanted it to be a surprise, now I don't know if I should tell daddy or not.

I had my anatomy scan last week at 20w4d and made it clear to the tech that I didn't want to know the gender. She was absolutely wonderful about it and made me close my eyes when she even got close and so she could get a picture and type it out on the ultrasound pic. (The aunties want to know.) She then put the picture in an envelope, sealed it, and wrote Baby in blue and pink with hearts. So adorable and sweet of them to do that. WELL, I got a message yesterday saying that my test results were in and available on the portal (web service). So this morning, I just wanted to see that everything was good and no abnormalities and whatnot, not really expecting to see the gender on there but didn't think about the possibility. I was just scrolling through and out of the bottom corner of my eye, I see "Gender:" in the report. Alas, my fingers were too slow for my eyes and now it's no surprise to me. My hubby and I wanted to wait till the day baby arrives to know boy/girl since it's our first one, but now I'm conflicted! Do I tell him I know or do I keep it a secret? I feel like if I try and keep it in he's going to find out that I know and may be more upset. Ahhhhhh! Pregnancy hormones and pregnancy brain kicking in- I don't know what to do! Help!

UPDATE: As soon as the hubby got home, I told him the whole story. He was so sweet about it and understanding. I asked him if he wanted to know and he said that me and the auntie can come up with a cute, fun way of telling him. It will be like a cute, personal gender reveal for just the daddy! I still feel bad about it, even though it was purely an accident, but I'm so glad he was understanding and kind about it all. He is 100% the best husband ever, and going to be the best daddy. 😍😍