Just need some positivity please!


So my story...been with OH 8 years been trying for nearly 2 and a half years. I’m 36 and he’s 42 he has a older child from a previous relationship I have no children. Fell pregnant November 2018 had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. Since then nothing we were referred in December 19 to our local nhs fertility clinic. All my initial bloods came back normal his semen analysis came back low at 4.1 lmill with slow swimmers 😢 He packed up smoking, took showers not baths and started taking vitamins (well man conception). In the mean time I had all the further tests/scans needed. Then covid hit! So our follow up apt in March got moved to a phone apt his results have gone down to 3.1mill now and my FSH is high they think I might be peri menopausal 🤷‍♀️ I need a retest he now needs bloods, genetic testing and a scan. Apts and blood forms to come in the post and they never arrived. So today our 3 month follow has now been booked for August but still no blood forms have arrived. I guess what I’m asking is has anyone else had any of these results and still be successful and does anyone have any tips to help us improve any of this! Lockdown has sent me crazy and my brain into over drive !!!!