I had severe pre-eclampsia with my first and had to have her threw emergency c-section, this time I ...

I had severe pre-eclampsia with my first and had to have her threw emergency c-section, this time I had it again and unfortunately only made it to 34 and a half weeks and had to have another emergency c-section. Luckily she was a bit bigger at this time then her sister so she was at least 5 pounds but because of her age and she had some breathing issues she has to stay in the nicu for awhile not sure how long. They say become a parent is one of the hardest things you will ever do but no one talks about how horrible it is to leave the hospital without your baby, its definitely the worst thing that has ever happened to me, there really are no words to even describe it. I do however consider myself very lucky that I now have 2 beautiful daughters and that I my body was able to at least bless us with that, and that my newest won't be in the nicu for months like some other baby's. My heart goes out to all of you who's does!!!!