Huge dip 4dpo... something wrong??


Hi everyone! First time temper here... Hoping some of you can help me!

I woke up thus morning 4dpo expecting nice high temps and got a huge dip. Below the coverline on some of my other apps. I’m also feeling some significant crampy twinges in my pelvis, mainly on the side I felt ovulation pains a few days ago. I know it’s too early for implantation, so now I’m worried. What else could cause these symptoms? Of course my mind is going to endometriosis or something bad like that. Mainly because I conceived my first daughter immediately and we’re now on our 4th cycle TTC for our second.

I used to get painful cysts occasionally when I was younger, so I’m wondering if that’s it. If it is, is that something that could negatively impact TTC? I don’t think I have PCOS because I’m pretty regular.

Update: OK after some googling, I’m hoping I’m feeling the tube contracting moving the egg/ovulation type cramps. Still wondering about the dip though!

Attached my chart.

Please help set me at ease!!