Birth story of our rainbow babe #4

l y s h✌🏻 • Mama x 5 🤍 + 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

At my 34 week appt I was already 2cm and baby was head down!

The day before my 36 week appt I lost big clumps of my bloody show and had some inconsistent contractions that went away at night.

The day of my 36 week appt I woke up to more bloody show and a good amount of inconsistent contractions that were somewhat uncomfortable. At my 36 week appt my midwife checked me and I was barely 3cm and cervix was still posterior and baby still high. She said “you are not in labor and have a ways to go” 🙄 she obviously didn’t look at my chart and see my 6 and 5 hour natural labors with my previous babies ;)

The 40 minute drive home my contractions were coming every 7-12 minutes ... this lasted from 3-7pm. They were never painful but we called the in laws to come get my other three kids.

We left for the hospital and got there at 9pm. My husband has to wait in the car for covid procedure and wasn’t allowed in until I was admitted. So I get checked into triage at 9pm and my contractions are coming every 5 minutes but I’m only 3cm. So dr says to stay an hour while husband naps in car and see if i progress. So I go through contractions alone and they aren’t too bad and an hour and a half goes by. So 1030 and nurse is convinced I’m not in labor and literally yells “what?!” When dr says I’m 4cm and we can start the admitting process. She orders steroids, gives me covid test (holy hell that hurt!!!!) by this time it’s about 11pm. then she lets me get off monitors to labor in triage for one more hour so they can get a room ready. I tell her I’m pretty sure I’m starting transition and don’t have much more than an hour to go .. so my husband makes it up to room by 1130 after bringing our bags and getting covid screened. He starts rubbing my hips and helps me through the next several hard contractions and the dr hears me moaning and says she wants to check me.. what do you know I’m 6/7 and baby’s head is right there.

So 1230 she has us walk to our delivery room and I’m totally peaking. I have the urge to pee and know it’s go time. I go pee and then go wash my hands when a huge contraction hits. My water bursts all over the bathroom floor, all over my sandals, all over the walls!!

My husband calmly yells to the dr that JUST left “her water broke, baby is coming now” 😂 he knows the drill. Dr calmly walks in “let check her” and I reply “no, I’m pushing” push later and babies head full of hair is out and dr is yelling at me to stop .. I’m saying “sorry sorry i have to!” Next push and shoulders are out! And third push, I have a baby BOY at 1:04am!!!!

A 4 hour labor from 3-10cm with no meds and our surprise gender rainbow baby!! The dr and nurses were in shock at how fast it all went but thankful because they were at full capacity! They yelled as I was wheeled to postpartum “favorite kind of delivery! Come back anytime!” 😂😂

Introducing our sweet rainbow after two heartbreaking losses!

Lincoln Townley T.

Born 36w2d 5/19/20 at 1:04am

5lbs 10oz 18 1/4” Long.

Mama and baby are healthy and recovering for two day’s before we go home to his amazing big brothers and sister. 💕🌈