Do you & your partner watch porn together?

I’m just curious to know how many ppl actually do & how its impacted them in both negative (if there are any) & positive ways.

My bf and i have been together for 6 years, 5 years long distance. When we first got together i didnt like him watching porn because to me it felt like he was cheating on me. I guess i felt this way because he had photos of me (sexual photos) & he would choose porn instead & that made me feel bad. As the years went by I understood that its normal to watch porn, but i wasnt particularly fond of it still. I communicated to him that if he ever feels “tempted” to watch to just come to me first so we can talk about it as to why he feels that way.

Ive also never watched porn myself btw.

Ive heard a lot of couples watch porn together so im just curious. We had also done stuff in the beginning of our relationship, just not sex until about a year ago. I guess im also curious because ive heard of a lot of couples getting bored within there intimate relationships & im afraid of that happening.

Im 19 & my bf is 20