test again?


ok so i’ve missed my period again, i feel like it’s coming but besides the back pains and slight cramps it feels like last month. i actually took a blood test about a week ago and it came out negative. i decided after that maybe it was the change in my schedule since i wasn’t working and on my feet as much but,

i did the deed a couple times these past weeks when according to glow i was ovulating. i’m thinking of testing again and making an appt to see a dr soon.

i guess i’m just wondering if i should test before my appointment, i will talk to the doc about what’s going on and everything i’m feeling but i guess i want some friendly lady advice as well.

also i would usually talk to my mom but she has a lot going on right now and i don’t think i can stress her anymore, i know for a fact she wants another grand baby (my niece is 3 month in a couple days) bc she told me i should adopt a baby. i totally would i just want to have my own kid first 😭

all advice welcomed 🥰