Nightmares. How do you deal with them?

I have been having nightmares. Usually i wake up and it goes away . But recently its been bad. Its not everyday but i wake up crying and i just start praying! Praying till i fall back asleep because i just don’t know what to do. My husband tapped me last night when he got home from work and i jumped and burst out crying. I keep having dreams that someone is gonna kill me. In specific, stabbing me over and over on my stomach. We have been trying to get pregnant for almost a year, and it truly breaks my heart. I don’t know what to do. Ive heard sometimes dreams can have meanings, and i know its just a “dream” but I cant help but feel disappointed in a way. I try to keep the mindset of “if it happens it happen” we aren’t trying but neither are we preventing. I would get so heartbroken thinking I’m finally pregnant!!! Just to get back all negative tests.