Spontaneous labor two hours before going in to be induced😆

Courtney • Married 💍 Kids- 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 + 👶due May 2020 22 💫💫

Was suppose to be induced midnight the 21st. Ended up having contractions start at 9ish on the 20th, good gradually got painful. Thought I was crazy cause whod go into labor on the night they're suppose to be induced?! Anyways, arriving at the hospital I was 4 to 5cm dilated and 60%effaced so doctor decided to hold off on pitocin (not sure on spelling) and see what happened through the night. Got epidural at 4am after contractions got really intense in back, after that was place I got some rest because doctor wouldn't be in till 730am. Doctor arrived at 8am to break my water and see how I progressed buttt once she went to go break it i was already 10 cm dilated and baby girl was there ready to come out. Pushed her out in one contraction and two pushes! 8:21am 7lb 3oz

By far the best labor I could've hoped for and thank you mommas who helped me through 💕