Anyone currently breastfeeding while taking anxiety medication!

I’m at my breaking point. My little one is 10 months EBF until we started solids and will not take a bottle. So I need to keep breastfeeding. However my anxiety is at an all time high. I had 2 anxiety attacks today and I probably won’t sleep tonight. I was in therapy but I stopped going to worried about COVID and I have no one to watch my daughter during appointments so it made it very difficult and overall anxiety inducing. Anyway those we excuses I know that. I plan on going back. I don’t want to live this way anymore. Literally everything is a struggle and I’m strongly considering meds to help. I just want to feel normal and happy. The last time I discussed meds with my doctor he had mentioned so anxiety meds being safe to breastfeed while taking but just doing a quick google search it seems like all medication ends up in breastmilk at varying levels. So I’m curious what others have been prescribed.