Help! What Do Y'all Think!??

I'm stuck in a rock and a hard place !

I don't know whether to remove my sons foreskin when he is born ..

😐🙄what do you all think!!??

🤔🙄What's your guys' opinion!??

My Husband Dont Wanna Remove It Because...Well When He Was Born (In Mexico) They Cut ✂️ His Foreskin Off and To Him They Fucked It Up And He Hates The Way It Looks!

And So He Don't Want His Son To Feel The Way He Feels ! And Doesn't Want Him To Also Feel That Pain!

I Dont No What To Do!!!

I'm Okay With Foreskin Staying But Scared He Won't Take Care Of It And It'll End Up Smelling Or Worse He'll End Up Getting A Infection!!! BECAUSE Of Not Cleaning Himself Right!

And Ect.....

So I Wanna See 👀 What Y'all Mommas Think!?

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