17 weeks pregnant need help, please read!


hello ladies, i went to my prenatal appt (15.5 weeks) a week and a half ago and told my dr about all the pain i’ve been having. it’s mainly like severe menstrual cramping in my lower abdomen and my lower back. all he said was “it could be anything” then mentioned it could be stress from COVID19, which i’m not too stressed over right now. so after that appt i pretty much just tried not to think about it but it gets to the point that i need to leave anywhere and come home to my bed because i can’t stand sitting up anymore. tonight in particular i cannot stay still in one position because i’m in pain. 6 days ago i went to the hospital after calling 811 because they wanted me to. i wasn’t seen by my regular prenatal dr(he was there because he came in the room to say hi to me then left) i was seen by the regular ER dr. and as hard as he was trying, he had no idea what he was doing. he left the room multiple times to ask my dr questions but all he told me was to be in bed rest for a week and come back if the pain is worse. and guess what, it is! but here’s the thing, i need to drive 40 min out of the town i’m in to go to the hospital because the one where i live doesn’t deal with anything baby related and will turn you away. this is my second pregnancy and my first one was HELL. i was high risk and went into preterm labour at 31weeks but they gave me steroids to hopefully develop the baby quicker and what not but she held on until 39 weeks and 4 days. i guess all i’m asking is, does any of this sound normal to you? i mean i get pregnancy comes with mild pain and being uncomfortable but i don’t think i’m supposed to be in this much pain. maybe i’m overthinking it because my last pregnancy was high risk, but also i don’t think the dr is taking this serious enough either. i need help. do i go to the hospital? or do i wait it out for my next appt? i’m desperate for some relief as tylenol, hot baths, heated blankets, hot water bottles, and massages do not work.

*i have a almost 13 month old*