Lh surge 5 days before period?

Guys. Help. Can’t get through to my doctor and I need friggen answers. Had unprotected sex yesterday because I was certain I wasn’t ovulating... period is due in 5 days. Periods are very regular I always track them and I am pretty good at determining when I ovulate due to physical symptoms and it always coincides with the <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">glow app</a>. Always. Literally since 2017. I was due to ovulate around the 12th I believe of this month and I felt like I did. Yesterday I had sex and my boyfriend was worried so to reassure him I took an ovulation test and BAM it was positive. Took three more, positive positive positive. After sh***** frisbees, I looked up plan b. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaallllly don’t want to take it if I don’t have to. I’m so appreciative in advance for support you can give. I’ve learned my lesson and am getting on birth control ASAP but I’m scared. Is a false positive likely?